Best Time to Eat Sauerkraut for Gut Health: Solve Your Gut Issues Today!

Adam Mark
11 Min Read
Photo by Karolina Kołodziejczak

Sauerkraut, a fermented cabbage dish, has gained popularity as a gut-friendly food due to its high probiotic content. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support a healthy gut microbiome, which is essential for overall well-being. If you’re looking to incorporate sauerkraut into your diet for optimal gut health, understanding the best time to consume it is crucial.

Best Time to Eat Sauerkraut for Gut Health:

Morning or Evening?

The timing of sauerkraut consumption depends on your individual preferences and digestive system. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of eating sauerkraut at different times of the day:


  • Pros:
    • May aid in digestion and nutrient absorption as part of a balanced breakfast.
    • Can stimulate the process of digestion and improve regularity.
  • Cons:
    • May cause bloating or discomfort for some individuals with sensitive stomachs.


  • Pros:
    • It may be less difficult to digest for people with sensitive stomachs.
    • Can soothe the gut and induce relaxation.
  • Cons:
    • May not be as effective in aiding digestion compared to consuming it in the morning.

Optimal Time for Gut Health

The best time to eat sauerkraut for gut health is when it’s most easily digestible for you. If you experience any discomfort or bloating after consuming it in the morning, it’s better to switch to evening consumption.

Other Considerations

In addition to the timing, here are some other factors to consider when eating sauerkraut for gut health:

  • Quantity: Start with a small amount and gradually increase as tolerated.
  • Frequency: Aim to consume sauerkraut regularly, such as a few times per week.
  • Accompaniments: Pair sauerkraut with other gut-friendly foods, such as fermented vegetables, yogurt, or kefir.
  • Avoid: Limit the consumption of sauerkraut if you have an active digestive disorder or a compromised immune system.

Benefits of Sauerkraut for Gut Health

Consuming sauerkraut regularly can provide several benefits for gut health:

  • Promotes Probiotic Growth: Sauerkraut is rich in probiotics, which help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut.
  • Supports Digestion: The lactic acid bacteria in sauerkraut aid in the breakdown of food and nutrient absorption.
  • Reduces Inflammation: Probiotics in sauerkraut may help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract.
  • Boosts Immunity: A healthy gut microbiome is linked to a stronger immune system.

How to Make Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is easy to make at home. You will need:

  • 1 head of cabbage
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 1 cup of water


  • Shred the cabbage into a large bowl.
  • Add the salt and water to the cabbage and mix well.
  • Cover the bowl with a cloth and let it sit at room temperature for 7-10 days.
  • Stir the sauerkraut once or twice every day.
  • Once the sauerkraut is fermented, store it in the refrigerator.

Should I eat sauerkraut in the morning or at night?

The best time to eat sauerkraut for gut health is in the morning, on an empty stomach. This is because the probiotics in sauerkraut are more likely to survive the digestive process and reach the gut when they are consumed on an empty stomach.

However, you can also eat sauerkraut at night if you prefer. It is still a healthy and beneficial food, and the probiotics will still be able to reach your gut and provide benefits.

If you have any digestive issues, such as gas or bloating, you may want to avoid eating sauerkraut at night. This is because the fermentation process can produce gas, which can be uncomfortable at night.

Ultimately, the best time to eat sauerkraut is whenever you enjoy it most and when it fits best into your diet.

Here are some tips for eating sauerkraut:

  • Begin with a tiny dose and gradually increase your consumption as tolerated.
  • Eat sauerkraut on its own, or add it to other dishes, such as salads, sandwiches, tacos, or soups.
  • Drink sauerkraut juice as a shot or add it to smoothies.
  • Make your sauerkraut at home to control the ingredients and fermentation process.


How much sauerkraut should I eat a day for gut health?

The amount of sauerkraut you should eat per day for gut health depends on several factors, including your individual tolerance and health goals.

A good starting point is to eat 1-2 tablespoons of sauerkraut per day. You can gradually increase your intake as tolerated.

If you are new to eating sauerkraut, start with a small amount and gradually increase your intake to avoid any digestive issues, such as gas or bloating.

Some people may experience digestive discomfort when they first start eating sauerkraut. This is because the fermentation process can produce gas. If you experience any discomfort, reduce your intake or eat sauerkraut less frequently.

You can eat sauerkraut on its own, or you can add it to other dishes, such as salads, sandwiches, tacos, or soups. You can also drink sauerkraut juice as a shot or add it to smoothies.

If you have any underlying health conditions, be sure to talk to your doctor before increasing your intake of sauerkraut or other fermented foods.

Here are some tips for eating sauerkraut for gut health:

  • Begin with a tiny dose and gradually increase your consumption as tolerated.
  • Eat sauerkraut on its own, or add it to other dishes.
  • Drink sauerkraut juice as a shot or add it to smoothies.
  • Make your own sauerkraut at home to control the ingredients and fermentation process.

How long does it take for sauerkraut to heal the gut?

The time it takes for sauerkraut to heal the gut varies depending on several factors, including the severity of your gut issues, your overall health, and how much sauerkraut you eat.

Some people may notice improvements in their gut health within a few days or weeks of eating sauerkraut regularly. Others can take longer to see effects.

If you are new to eating sauerkraut, Begin with a tiny dose and gradually increase your consumption as tolerated. This will help to avoid any digestive issues, such as gas or bloating.

It is important to be patient and consistent when eating sauerkraut for gut health. The probiotics in sauerkraut need time to colonize your gut and start to produce benefits.

Here are some tips for eating sauerkraut for gut health:

  • Begin with a tiny dose and gradually increase your consumption as tolerated.
  • Eat sauerkraut on its own, or add it to other dishes.
  • Drink sauerkraut juice as a shot or add it to smoothies.
  • Make your sauerkraut at home to control the ingredients and fermentation process.


If you have any underlying health conditions, be sure to talk to your doctor before increasing your intake of sauerkraut or other fermented foods.

What are the benefits of sauerkraut on an empty stomach?

Eating sauerkraut on an empty stomach has several benefits, including:

  • Improved digestion: The probiotics in sauerkraut help to break down food and absorb nutrients, which can improve digestion.
  • Boosted immunity: The probiotics in sauerkraut help to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies that protect against infection.
  • Reduced inflammation: The lactic acid in sauerkraut helps to create an acidic environment in the gut that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria, which can reduce inflammation.
  • Weight loss: Sauerkraut is a low-calorie food that is high in fiber, which can help to promote weight loss.
  • Improved skin health: The probiotics in sauerkraut help to improve the health of the skin by reducing inflammation and promoting the growth of healthy bacteria.

In addition, eating sauerkraut on an empty stomach may also help to:

  • Reduce nausea: The lactic acid in sauerkraut can help to settle the stomach and reduce nausea.
  • Improve appetite: The probiotics in sauerkraut can help to stimulate the appetite.
  • Relieve constipation: The fiber in sauerkraut can help to relieve constipation.

Overall, eating sauerkraut on an empty stomach is a great way to improve your gut health and overall well-being.

Here are some tips for eating sauerkraut on an empty stomach:

  • Start with a small amount and gradually increase your intake as tolerated.
  • Eat sauerkraut on its own, or add it to other dishes, such as salads, sandwiches, tacos, or soups.
  • Drink sauerkraut juice as a shot or add it to smoothies.
  • Make your sauerkraut at home to control the ingredients and fermentation process.


If you have any underlying health conditions, be sure to talk to your doctor before increasing your intake of sauerkraut or other fermented foods.


Sauerkraut is a healthy and delicious food that is easy to make at home. It is a good source of probiotics, which are live bacteria that are beneficial for gut health. The best time to eat sauerkraut for gut health is in the morning, on an empty stomach. Sauerkraut has several other health benefits, including improved digestion, boosted immunity, reduced inflammation, weight loss, and improved skin health.

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Hi I’m Adam Mark, a highly accomplished Food and Nutrition expert with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. I hold a Master of Science degree in Nutrition from Cornell University, where he specialized in the study of human metabolism and the role of nutrition in health and disease. My passion for nutrition began at an early age, as he grew up in a family that placed a strong emphasis on healthy eating. I pursued My interest in nutrition further by obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Food Science from the University of California, Davis. During my undergraduate studies, I gained valuable experience working as a research assistant in the university's Food Science and Technology Department, where I conducted experiments on the nutritional composition of various foods.